We’re predators; we don’t eat meat because it’s handy, we eat meat because we have a taste for blood.
Shifters or Lycan's by another name in most cultures are creatures of the moon that are able to transform at will into different forms of an animal. They are half animal half man. A shifter even in it's human form is gifted with unnatural abilities that are not seen in a mortal. Strength, Senses, Reflexes. They are all enhanced by the creature that lives within.
Despite the appearance, shifters are deeply connected with the nature around them. They are fiercely loyal to their pack, and even more so to their life mate. ​Once a shifter bonds with his/her life mate, that bond is unbreakable. If the two part for any reason it creates mental scars that are neigh impossible to overcome.
There is a bitter war between shifters and vampires that has raged for over a millennia, but has it followed to the new world of Avali? Will Ebhoran, the known continent of the planet be home to a new war to rage between the beast and blood suckers of the world, or will they be able to set aside their differences and learn to co-exist with one another? The story is molded by you.
Supernatural Strength
Shifters possess inhuman strength that would equal that of 10 strong men. A Shifter can lift a standard 1000 pounds up to 4000 pounds.​
Supernatural Agility
Shifters move with great agility, speed, and flexibility. They can scale sheer surfaces, and jump great distances​
Supernatural Senses
A Shifters senses are sharper than any human. They can see in ultraviolet and possess perfect clarity in total darkness​
Accelerated Healing
A Shifters wounds tend to only slow the Shifter down temporarily. They're healing factor makes them almost invincible.​
Shifters are essentially immortal creatures who are connected to the spirit world. They draw their powers from their ancestors throughout the ages.
When a human changes into their animal form their teeth will lengthen, sharpen, and harden. These hardened teeth combined with the Shifters enhanced strength allow them to bite through most materials including wood, bone, and most metals. Shifters have no molars (chewing teeth in the back of your mouth) and do very little chewing. They prefer to rip shreds off of their prey and swallow those whole.
Shifters have very thick hides. Combined with their hardened and dense muscles this makes them very hard to damage. Non-armor piercing weapons generally go no more than an inch into them. Trying to stab them isn’t quite as hard as stabbing a wooden wall, but it’s close.
Sense Shifting
Some Shifters have access to their heightened senses while in human form, either naturally or through a process called ‘sense shifting.’ This process takes practice to master but they essentially learn to shift only the inside of their nose or ears.
Blood Loss
If a Shifter is severely wounded and bleeds out before they can heal, they can die.
Decapitation will result in instant death for a Shifter.
Fire can kill a Shifter just as it can any mortal. It can also hurt them, though their regenerative cells allow them to heal burns much faster than an ordinary human.
Heart Extraction
Ripping a Shifter's heart out will result in instant death.
Shifters are susceptible to the powers of witchcraft. This is inclusive of mystical objects. Multiple spells have been performed by sorcerers against Shifters to cause several effects against them, such as slowing down or speeding up a Shifter's transformation, inducing a Shifter transformation earlier than they would normally begin to change, kinetically ripping a heart from a Shifter's chest, and cursing a pack of Shifters to be trapped in their animal form at all times.
Physical Trauma
Minor physical injuries such as gunshots, stab wounds and broken bones will cause a Shifter pain and will also slow them down. Fortunately for them, this is only temporary, as they will heal completely within minutes. However, certain injuries, such as a slit throat or a snapped neck, have been shown to kill Shifters.
The vampire disease is toxic to Shifters. The disease of a vampire, which always flows when fighting a Shifter due to self-preservation. It will flow into the bloodstream over a period of days and slowly attack the Shifters cells and body, destroying the Shifter from the inside out. Over time it causes the skin to peel off and blood to come from it's mouth, eyes, ears and nose until the Shifter chokes to death on its own blood. It suffocates as it closes up the windpipe, blocking air and any way to get food into the Shifter's body so that it slowly dies a painful death without help. To kill the Shifters, the vampire bite tends to heal within thirty seconds-shorter if the vampire is older or a pup-and if not caught in those first few minutes, is impossible to detect by other Shifters, let alone the one that has been bitten.
Shifter Description
~~ History ~~
Shifters are a race of shapeshifting animals and are mostly wolves. There have been variations of other shifters throughout the life of Avali, but wolves seem to be the majority of them. The first shapeshifter of Avali wasn’t a single shapeshifter, but a colony of shape shifters that seemed to have thrived throughout the planet's short existence. The first shifters or the original pack were native’s of Ebhoran. Nomad’s that didn’t have a distinct settlement, but dotted all over the realm. The only shifter in Ebhoran history that is written is that of Geth.
Geth’s ancient heritage rose up from deep within him, spreading out from the core of his being. Some shifters manifested terrible claws, others massive fangs, still others astounding speed or heightened senses. Geth’s gift from his lycanthrope ancestors was sheer strength and toughness. Strength seeped into his bones and flooded his flesh. His skin hardened, and his hair became coarse like an animal’s tough hide. A sense of invincibility spread through him. For the moment at least, he felt unstoppable.
Throughout the life cycles Geth procreated and bred a new shifter that encompassed all those gifts and abilities. Thus the reason you get shifters that have different gifts, or a mix of them all.
~~ Physiology ~~
Shifters are typically humans that start the first change by the time they reach puberty. They do live longer than humans typically, but they age up to adulthood at about the same pace. Early on in childhood, a shifter starts to notice little things about themselves. They have uncanny bonds with certain animals, they have hair in places that it shouldn’t be, they develop weird fascinations with totems or ritualistic items. Some shifters believe that spirits overtake them and are like an independent entity that gives them the gifts.
The beast within them becomes a pool of powerful instincts, and its influence is revealed by a shifter’s personality a lot of the time. For example a feline species of shifter may be cool and distant, driven by a predatory instinct while a shifter with a lupine skype is drawn to seek out and protect a pack. When a shifter fully embraces the beast within, they physically transform to the creature they were destined to become.
While the beast within certainly has a physical impact on a shifter, it has a spiritual and psychological effect as well. Two lupine shifters for example would share the same special ability, but if one has a different moon phase then they would have other abilities that the other wouldn’t possess.
Shifters are similar to humans in height and build but are more naturally stronger, lithe, and flexible. Their facial features may have slight differences that are not noticeable to the naked eye. Their eyes might be slightly larger, or their pupils won’t exactly be round, but for the most part, they are human’s with amazing abilities.
~~ Relations With Other Races ~~
Shifters depending on the species that they are born into will determine their willingness and acceptance of the other races. Typically shifters get along well with humans due to the fact that most shifters look perfectly human. Other races they have similar outlooks on.
The only race that the shifter typically has issues with is vampires. They have been at war with one another throughout time, been at peace, and have had the wants to eradicate one another.
~~ Procreation Rules ~~
Shifters can procreate with other mortal races and other shifters. The shifter child has a 50% chance of becoming a shifter of whatever species that the parent shifter is with a mortal race. If it is a Shifter x Shifter then there is a 100% that the child is a shifter, but a 50% chance of which parent animal the child takes after.
Shifter x Human - Roll D100 anything above a 49 then the child is a shifter of the parent shifters species
Shifter x Shifter - Roll a D100 and anything above 49 will be of the fathers species, and anything 49 and below will be of the mothers species.​​​
Shifter Specific Rules
​~~ Age ~~
Shifters age at a quarter of the speed of humans. So a 10 year old human would be a 2 year shifter. They still mature as fast as a human, but the first change happens when they hit puberty. Only be born shifters go through this change. As for becoming a shifter, through a similar fashion that vampires can sire another vampire, a shifter can bestow their gift by a simple bite or scratch without consuming all the blood within the victim or willing party.
~~ Ranks ~~
Ranking system within the society of the shifters is similar to the way that vampires have their generations, and the rank proves the strength and power of the member of a pack, or a lone shifter.
Alpha - +8 Skill points at creation +10 HP
Beta - +7 Skill points at creation +8 HP
Delta - +6 Skill points at creation +6 HP
Gamma - +5 Skill points at creation +5 HP
Omega - +4 Skill points at creation +4 HP
Sigma - +3 Skill points at creation +3 HP
Zeta - +2 Skill points at creation +2 HP
~~ Packs ~~
When a Shifter enters into the server or Storyline, they can either immediately be part of a pack that is already established, or they can gather with a group of 5 like minded shifters to create their own pack. There are perks to being a part of a pack which includes a unique pack skill tree that the Alpha of the pack will be allowed to create upon creation. It's the same as the vampires.
Current Packs
• Open
• Open
• Open
~~ Species ~~
The only species on the server at this time is wolf. This may change in the future, but as of this time, the wolf will be the only animal for the shifters.
~~ Shifter Forms ~~
Homid Form - Self explanatory form that a shifter can take that is virtually indistinguishable from that of an ordinary human.
​Glabro - can still pass for human somewhat, but while drawing on a portion of the shifter's true power. Stronger, faster and more resilient than Homid, the Glabro form is still just a shadow of the werewolf's true killing power.
​Crinos - This form is the true battle form of the Shifters, the form they take when no solution save violence will do. A hybrid of human and animal, infused with the superhuman strength of this warrior race, the Crinos Shifter is one of the most efficient killing machines in the world. Humans suffer such terrifying ancestral memories when witnessing an angry Crinos that they often break down into hysterics, forcing themselves to forget that such a monster exists.
​Hispo - This form is the massive animal of nightmares, a throwback to prehistoric days when the dire animals were the size of ponies. It is a form designed to hunt – and to kill.
​Lupus - This form is the true "animal" form of the Shifter, allowing shifters to hunt and live among packs, or to call on the speed and superior senses of the creature they emulate. Many a hunter has come to a horrible end after wounding a shifter that he mistook for an ordinary animal or the mate of a Shifter who has chosen to live as an animal for a time.
~~ Gifting Lycanthrope ~~
There are legends that go around the multiverse that a shifter can only be born, but that is not the case. Shifters in the multiverse and in Ebhoran in particular can be changed and granted the gift of lycanthrope. The major differences that a shifter vs a vampire is that a shifter can make the choice to grant the gift without killing and draining all of the victim or willing parties blood. A simple scratch or a bite can cause the change. ​
During the change, it takes 72 hours for the change to take full effect and for the first full moon. Once the character has their first change at the full moon then they will be able to change at will into any of the forms that are on this page.
~~ General Pack Abilities ~~
Every pack will have access to the trees listed. They are general per the race of the shifter and accessible to all that play the race
​~~ Pack Abilities Trees​​​​​ ~~
Every pack will have a unique ability tree that is fully custom and made by the leader of the pack. This ability tree will only be available to the pack that you are a part of. The pack leader will design 10 unique abilities that are specifically designed for the pack. All pack gifts have to approved by Leads and Owner of the server only.
All skills in the Pack ability tree will cost 3 skill points to purchase for your character to use.
​​~~ Unique Abilities to Each Pack ~~
Every Pack on the server will also get to choose three additional ability trees from the list below. It's up to the player how to spend their experience on opening up new abilities, but the pack leader chooses the unique ability trees when the pack is established. A pack-less shifter will not have access to any of the trees on this list until they choose a pack, or create their own.
Crescent Moon
Full Moon
Gibbous Moon
Lunar Eclipse
Half Moon
New Moon
Dreamer's Moon
Judge's Moon
Creating A Shifter Character
​~~ Choosing the Shifter ~~
So you have chosen to play a creature that is wild and has the ability to change shape into an animal. ONce you have been given the role of Shifter on the server, the next step is to reach out to the server leads or the race lead for the shifters to procure your character sheet. ONce you have been given your auto calculator character sheets there is a couple things you will need to look at.
~~ Racial Abilities ~~
A shifter being a supernatural creature on the server will have a few bonuses that you apply to your character sheet. Those bonuses will include some stats and racial abilities that are race specific.
Bonus Stats
Choose any stat to get a +2
Choose any stat to get a +1
Natural Weapon
Bite - Your bite is powerful and is granted as a natural weapon. The damage of the bite attack is 3d6 + BAV + Strength
Claw - Your claws are long and sharp, and you’re always ready when shifted. Your claws will deal a 2d8 + BAV + Strength
Racial Abilities
Darkvision - You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of grey.
Keen Senses - You have keen senses unlike that of many of the races and are granted a +4 on all perception like checks.
Shifting - At will, you can assume a more bestial appearance. This transformation lasts until you revert to your normal appearance. When you shift, you gain 50 temporary hit points. You also have access to your natural claw and bite weapons.
~~ Finishing Your Character ~~
When you have finalized your character sheet we ask that the last step is to submit the sheet to either your race lead or a lead in the server. Then when you’re approved, you are welcome to start using your stats on the sheet and start leveling up.