Dice System
The Dice System
This server is based heavily on dungeons and dragons and New World of Darkness. Which means that we have managed to create our own dice system. The system is a dice pool system similar to World of Darkness except that we use d20’s instead of d10’s. All damage, skills, and abilities are more geared towards the way that Dungeons and Dragons accomplishes their damage.
So, what is a dice pool system? It is a number of dice you’re allowed based on the tier of your character that allows multiple chances to accomplish or have a success at a task. There is a minimum dice pool of 2d20 at tier 0 and a maximum dice pool of 11d20 for tier 9.
You only need 1 success to accomplish what you want your character to do. So we will use tier 0 in all examples to show you what I mean. The server uses the 11 rule. Which means anything 11 and up is a success. 10 and below is a fail. If you roll a 1 it’s considered a botch or critical failure and you fail the turn, with consequences or penalties that are given out by your current storyteller. If you roll a 20 it’s classified as a critical success and you will multiply your results by either 1.5, 2, or 3 times the damage of anything that you do depending on the rule for what it is you're doing.
How Does Combat Work?
Combat is simple and I'll break it down as best I can. I will use my character Armond again as the example. This is combat and Armond is using a longsword doing a Melee attack.
Example: Armond strikes at his opponent with his melee weapon, a longsword. The longsword is a 2d6 damage weapon. Armond is a tier 0 character. So his dice pool is 2d20. Armond rolls his 2d20 to see if he's successful in his attack. Armond rolls a 10 and a 15 which garners him 1 success. He would look at his character sheet to get his base attack value, his strength, and the longswords damage. Armond would then roll 2d6 and add his strength and base attack value to the damage. So the equation would be 2d6 + Base Attack Value + Strength. For the sake of the example we'll use base stats from creation. Armond's Strength is 1 and his base attack is 3. Armond rolls and gets a total of 8 damage from the 2d6 dice roll. So the equation is 8+1+3 which will equal 12 damage with the weapon.
The defender that is taking the 12 damage will look at their sheet and see that they have a base defense of 1 so they will minus 1 damage from the roll of 12 causing 11 damage to the character instead.
What About Regular Play and Abilities?
The best part is, in this server, it's more about Roleplay and Roll Play. So if your character has a skill or ability that is listed on his/her character sheet, then they can do it in regular play without the need for dice. There is no rolling or anything required. The only time you would have to roll in general play, is if the characters playing requests a Storyteller or Judge to come and make rolls official for non event or combat related play.
How Do I increase Stats and Dice Pool?
When it comes to increasing your dice pool, stats, and everything else you are going to want to refer to the Game System Page which will explain how to earn exp and increase stats and dice pool