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Storyline Rules

These are an agreed set of universal rules that are to be applied whenever and wherever there is play. People who break these rules may be subject to either strike or if the offense is harsh enough removal from the Story Line.



Discord Rooms pertaining to An Ebhoran Tale is rated “M” for Mature audiences only. There will be violence, adult language, adult content, strong adult content, sexual content, Strong Sexual content and more. Player discretion is advised.​


Extreme Sexual Content of any kind is NOT tolerated in public rooms. Please fade to black and take all personal interactions to either a DM or a Private server. Not everyone on here is interested in watching your smut. 


Staff Members cannot and will not take responsibility for Discord accounts created by minors with 18+ or adult permissions participating in this Discord Server. An Ebhoran Tale's rooms are all rated under the NSFW category. It is every player's responsibility to maintain their posts and be aware of room restrictions. Any post that may be considered in violation of the rules of Discord, or is a violation of the law will be promptly removed. You will be notified of the reason should this occur.



Ignoring, dismissing, or changing any facts of role-play to suit the player for the response, and the response not accepting, adapting, or using what has been played out in any current or previous sessions.​ ​


1. Understand that in role-play that things could happen that may not always be to your liking. If you're unable to accept the consequences of your actions taken in role play then you are more likely to God Mod. Please exercise caution with how much you take role play personally. You are not your character, and your character going through the rough times or being crude is not a reflection on YOU. ​


2. The easiest course of action to prevent God Modding is to keep everything in character.



Entailing from name-calling or bullying individuals into doing what you want or changing the course of their role-play in the fear of any repercussions.


1. Cases presented where harassment is claimed will be decided by the appointed leadership as to whether harassment is happening or if the actions of the player are detrimental to gaming.


2. There is no reason for anyone to be bullied, threatened, or harassed in this game, or any other game, no matter how much you feel someone deserves it. If you have a problem with someone, you are advised to work it out first before going to any further outlets to remedy the situation.


This is defined when a player is forced by another player to choose a course of action or make a decision that goes against the known personality, attitude, morals, or ethics of a character.


An example would be a player telling another player that his character must like her character. Another example would be asking a player to have his knight murder an innocent or accept a bribe when there are strict laws pertaining to their knighthood that would go against their knightly oath. ​


1. Forced Role Play can only happen out of character. The reason being is that it is perfectly fine, in character, for a character to try to convince another that he can be trusted. It is perfectly fine for a pirate to attempt to convince a knight that accepting this bribe would work in his favor, even if it goes against the laws of his oath. Your character has a choice. Taking that choice away from the character and role-play is forcing someone to give in to your desires. Quite simply, don't force others to do what you don't want someone to do to you with your character. If two characters are not going to get along, then they simply won't. Don't take it out on the player. ​


2. Be sure that if you are allowed to play someone else's character for a scene that you have full consent and that they have specified that you can decide what their character will be doing (i.e. exiting the scene, etc) so that if it becomes an issue, you have the consent, and it's documented based on the logs that Discord has for everything. Usually, it is best to just ask the player to post that they are consenting for you to play their character through the exit of their scene.



Meta Gaming = Taking knowledge that is learned out of character and applying it to an in-character basis. To prove that this has been done, proof of a player making a character aware to his/her knowledge and applying it to a post for the character, without playing out any scenes to prove that the knowledge was possessed I.C.


Nobody in this Story Line is permitted to “assume played scenes.” In other words, if you learn something O.O.C., you can't make that knowledge known without playing, regardless of whose permission you receive O.O.C. Your character has to have obtained that knowledge. Especially if the knowledge learned by one of your characters changes the outcome of the storyline for other players and their characters.


Any cases that do not explicitly fit into the definition of any of the following points above will have all evidence submitted and determined upon to see if a player's actions are considered detrimental to gaming and whether or not a penalty is necessary.



General respect, while it has to be earned, it should be shown enough to not allow trouble to be made where it is unnecessary. You will be expected to respect role play and other players in this storyline.



An Ebhoran Tale will always be managed on a purely out of character basis. When dealing with any aspect of the game, to include amendments, application of charters in role-play, any cases of player issues, and deliverance of notices to players dealing with An Ebhoran Tale's operation will be considered out of character.​



While An Ebhoran Tale acknowledges the existence of other gaming groups on Discord, we do not accept transfers of any funds, experience, weapons, deaths, guilds & clans (statuses, funds, earnings, rank), or personal character titles and achievements. All who apply for Founding of a New World will start with a fresh character and have to work their way up the chain.



The Moderators and players of this storyline are not going to address personal and real-life problems existing in the game. If you are being threatened or harassed via real life (aka telephone calls, your residence, or other outlets beyond our control), you are advised to call the local authorities to take care of the problem. If you feel that you're in real-life problems are interfering with your ability to role play, you are advised to take a leave of absence.



We understand that real-life problems will arise, or a change will come that you will be absent for an extended period of time. If the expected leave is to occur for longer than a week, you will be placed on the Leave of Absence status. During this time, you will not receive any experience, items, or have knowledge of anything that's happened in character, and your character sheet(s) will not be updated until you officially return.



If a rule is not on a charter regarding a scenario presented, any moderator overseeing that charter has the authority to make a decision for that case. Whether or not the rule is approved, the ruling for the first case will not be overturned. The ruling will be discussed and voted on by the moderators and amended to the charter if it is approved.



The rules listed on this page and any page of the realm are subject to change, be removed, have additions, or replacements at any time with players being given notice of at least 48 hours prior to any adjustment that would be going into effect.


Three Strike's and you're out

​​The Strikes

• Verbal Warning

• Disciplinary Action/Suspension

• Removal from the server


We want to be fully clear and concise on the process of how we are going to do things in the server. We have a very tried and true three step process which usually works in almost all cases. How you get from point a to point b on the discipline process and who is involved when handling the offender will ultimately depend on the stage the offender is at. In some rare cases, it may depend on the severity of the infraction as well.


Verbal/Documented Warning

Can be issued at the Race Leader level. You need solid evidence, first, screenshots are ideal. After an infraction has been committed and you have viable proof, you may take action to stop the instance from happening/escalating. Then, via DM, a layout that behavior, that is against the rules, and that this is a warning. Layout expectations, and that the next step is a suspension. This is important so that they know we've initiated the process with them.


Player Suspension

This is issued at the Leadership Team level. The majority vote required. Proof must still be valid. We will pull them into a group DM with all of the Leadership Team, state the infraction, our expectations, we will also dole out the suspension, change roles, deem a fair amount of time, then issue the suspension. Players do not receive normal gold payments on suspension.


Player Removal

This is issued at the Leadership Team level. In order for removal, the Leadership Team must vote for the majority.


​Roleplaying Exits and Presence

You are allowed to take on two scenes at one time with your character as long as the time lines don't cross, and everyone is allowed to be a part of the events whether they are in two scenes or not. When you are finished it is common courtesy to please RP out your exit from the scene, but if you need to leave without it, at least let people know so that it can be worked around.



We want all players encouraged to report any and all forms of misconduct OOC or IC. When you're reporting, always approach your race lead first regardless of who it is. The Race Leader will then determine whether or not the issue warrants documented discipline in the server.


Out of Character Conduct

We understand, as a social game sometimes you will run into people not agreeing with others. It is not our aim to force you to like the people in the server, but remember that Meta Gaming rules apply, any and all misconduct OOC towards another with name calling, harassment, snide remarks, etc. will not be tolerated. We're all adults, let's act that way.


NSFW and Spoiler Material

Can be issued at the Race Leader level. You need solid evidence, first, screenshots are ideal. After an infraction has been committed and you have viable proof, you may take action to stop the instance from happening/escalating. Then, via DM, a layout that behavior, that is against the rules, and that this is a warning. Layout expectations, and that the next step is a suspension. This is important so that they know we've initiated the process with them.​


Bot Usage and Spam

Please use the bots in their intended rooms. I want to keep the spam in the channels to a minimum when it comes to the bots.


Character Design

At character creation you will start with a pool of skill points to use at your acceptance into the server. Please adhere to the skills and do not play outside of the skills you have purchased. Work with your Race Leader on initial questions and design. Once you're done, submit your Character sheet to @leads for final approval.


Server Requests of it's Players


Character art should be period specific, using any style of art. Your art may not use any canon characters for your character picture. If a background character isn't given a personal name or voice lines, then it really doesn't count.


• Your Nickname on the server is required to be your character's name.


• The first name in the nickname section needs to be regular font for the ease of tagging


Keep your OOC banter to the appropriate channels please


• All members of the server have to be the age of consent which for eases sake needs to be 18. No younger.


• If a room has more than 5 people in a room, there is a requirement to have a posting order. Unless it's a public scene • Two Characters per discord account only.


Two Characters per discord account only.


• There will be hard limit of 2 characters per player and 1 N.P.C. per player on the server. We don't want to have one person with 687984 characters.


• You can have both character's on 1 discord account with your names in this format (Ex: Armond | Bishop)


• If you want to transfer out a character to a new one the character you remove from the server is gone permanently and CANNOT come back to the server. You CANNOT transfer xp, currency, or items from your old character to the new one.


• When new races get released on the server you will be given a re-roll token that will allow you 30 days from the day the new race comes out for you to change your character to one of the new races. We request that you please RP the change out.


• You have to maintain an active play for a minimum of 30 days before you can unlock the ability to have a second character on the server.


• PB images can only be changed to a different actor or image every 60 days. The play by HAS to be of legal age.​​​


Misuse of Skills, Malicious Falsification, and Fraudulent Misuse of Skills

When you use a skill in an improper way or using a skill you have not purchased is not permitted in the server. Lying about stats, skills and other things to gain an advantage will not be tolerated.


Fraudulent Activity - Is any deceptive activity that mods the system into your favor.



• Throwing a fight to let another win

• Employing programs to alter dice

• Trying to manipulate your character sheets


These are sever transgressions and often lead to removal from the server. We provide a clean and balance playing field for everyone. We expect you to maintain that respect.


Transferring Your XP

Your XP that is earned OOC can be used on any of the characters that you have at your choosing. So if you earn 5,000 xp for your services in the server, you can use that on any character that you wish to spend it on.


Ranks, Demotions, Storyline Roles

We strive to ensure our process is as transparent as we can make it. Our advanced roles shall be broken down for the public to view. As you spend time in the storyline, IC positions may become more and more accessible to you. This is purely done IC, and moderators will not put a stop to the promotion or demotion of IC ranks in any way as long as the IC rules are followed.


Server Rooms

If a room on the server hasn't had activity for 30 days, that room will then be archived. We want to keep the server clean and neat. If a member of the server get's banned or kicked, their rooms will immediately be archived and deleted after 30.


The World is yours to create, how are  you going to mold it?

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