Avalonia Region

A dark history looms over the region of Avalonia. The capital city was once founded by the great Ancient and first vampire Godsven under the name of Ravendrift. The city was a masterpiece and ruled as a hub for the entire continent, but alas the peace that the vampire brought was short lived. It was time for the vampire god to go into his deep torpor period, which would last for well over a millenia or longer. Godsven was satisfied with the kin that he had created to watch the city while he slept.. They were the founders of the original vampire clans that are all now but extinct.
The Antediluvian vampire's did nothing that Godsven had wanted them to do, and they ran the city into the ground. They turned it into their own safe haven instead of ruling it the way that Godsven intended. The human's would be brought in, but in the end, they were all cattle and food for the dark masters that watched the throne.
After years of strife and turmoil a demon by the name of Abaddon had caught wind of the treachery that the vampires were causing and brought it upon himself to liberate the humans. Through his powers of manipulation and demonic gifts he joined the cattle as a lone human. He rose in popularity quickly with the masses, and caused an uprising. The vampires were vastly outnumbered and with the powers that Abaddon showed them, they thought he was a divine savior.
Once the vampires realised that their days were numbered, they joined Godsven, deep into the depths of Avalon with only a few of them escaping the city. When all the vampires were cleared from the city, Abaddon sealed the catacombs of Avalon and assumed the mantle of Supreme Chancellor of the grand city. Then the changes happened and the demon slowly purged the city of all the supernatural creatures that were there. Abaddon blessed a few humans with gifts that they could use against the other creatures, and eventually the city was sealed off.
Abaddon made a selection of 5 humans that he gifted with demonic powers that masked themselves as divine powers. To the people of Avalon, Abaddon was the savior of the city. The people rejoiced, and from the day that Abaddon took over, the city has been a denizen of humans only. If anyone is caught coming into the city, doing dealings with, or associating with anyone that is supernatural; they are purged by Abaddon's royal choices.
On the outside, the city is run like an Oligarchy merchant republic, but they only do dealings with humans. If you are not human, you are not welcome.
Blackgate Prison

There has never been a location that could hold the supernatural, but something about blackgate prison made it perfect. The building itself is made of stone that was mined from the Jarnsmida Pitmines. The gems that were taken with the stone had magical properties that stopped all the powers from the supernatural creatures. It has given Avalon the ability to imprison supernatural creatures and not have to worry about their powers, or them breaking out of the place.
There have been a number of creatures that have been imprisoned here, and thanks to the stone and gems from the mines, they have been able to create shackles, and other imprisonment items that also stop the supernaturals from being able to use their powers or magic. If you find yourself in prison at Blackgate, then the chances are, you are going to be executed by the Supreme Chancellor and his voice during the monthly execution ritual that the city of Avalon hosts.
Ancient Library

A library as old as Avali itself. Some say that the library was built by Nexus and Jormungandr, some say Yggdrasil had its hand in the creation, but the truth is, no one knows how it showed up on the island in the Avalonia Region. The Avalon’s didn’t build the library and they sure don’t run the library. When you enter the library it’s filled from ceiling to floor with all the knowledge of the universe. You can find answers to most of the mysteries that surround Avali and the Great Divide.
There are history books that tell tales from Rhy’din before the great divide. It’s a place of wonder and mystery. The library is much larger than the outside suggests as well. The innards of the library drop down into a series of catacombs that hold mysteries of their own. If you seek knowledge, this is the place to go.