All pictures and likenesses are sole property of the person/creator. An Ebhoran Tale is a non-profit writing community, we apply laws and protections which fall under "Fair Parody Use". With us being a non profit, we make no profit from any items used on this site other than our own creativity and hobby. ​
​A parody takes a piece of creative work–such as art, literature, or film–and imitates it in an exaggerated, comedic fashion. Parody often serves as a criticism or commentary on the original work, the artist who created it, or something otherwise connected to the work. In the United States, parody is protected by the First Amendment as a form of expression. However, since parodies rely heavily on the original work, parodists rely on the fair use exception to combat claims of copyright infringement. The fair use exception is governed by the factors enumerated in section 107 of the Copyright Act: (1) the purpose and character of the use; (2) the nature of the original work; (3) the amount and substantiality of the original work used; and (4) the effect on the market value of the original work. Generally, courts are more likely to find that a parody qualifies as fair use if its purpose is to serve as a social commentary and not for purely commercial gain.
This website does have material that is copyrighted whereas the use of which has not always been authorized by the copyright owner. Any material is utilized for the sole purpose of recreational writing without any form of monetization. Which constitutes "Fair Use" of any copyrighted material. Which under section 107 of the US copyright law, and title 17 U.S.C. The material on this site is viewed, used, and accessed with ZERO profit. If and when a request for removal happens, we will surely remove any legally copyrighted material.
Copyright law protects the rights of creators of original works by giving them the exclusive right to control how their work is used and distributed.
1. What is protected?
Original works of authorship, such as books, movies, music, and architectural designs. The right to reproduce, adapt, publish, perform, and display the work.
2. How long does copyright protection last?
In the United States, copyright usually lasts for 70 years after the creator's death.
3. Fair use
Fair use allows the use of copyrighted material without the owner's permission for certain purposes, such as criticism, news reporting, teaching, and research
4. Registration
While original works are automatically protected, registration is required to bring a copyright infringement lawsuit
5. Other legal protections
Trademarks and patents are other forms of legal protection for intellectual property, registration is required to bring a copyright infringement lawsuit