A beast does not know that he is a beast, and the nearer a man gets to being a beast, the less he knows it.

The moment a human becomes a vampire is never forgotten, for the transformation is usually painful and traumatic. A vampire is created when an existing vampire drains all the blood from a mortal, killing them. However, just before the final and absolute death sets in, the sire shares his/her blood and releases a small amount so that the human can drink from the sire.
Most people take on the lineage of their sires, and are therefore of the same clans. The clan membership affects what powers that a vampire will possess that makes them unique.
For the next few years or decades, the newly created childe remains with his sire. They may be taught nothing or everything, for it's the will of the master.
Vampires have enhanced healing over other races. Wounds are rarely fatal and superficial. The only sure way to kill them is decapitation or sunlight (depending on discipline mastery) The better fed a vampire is, the faster his wounds will heal.
​Enhanced Speed
Vampires are known for their ability to move quickly while tracking their prey or to avoid an incoming attack. This skill is known as the discipline, Celerity.
​Enhanced Strength
Vampires are known for their power and strength. Large items often look as though they are light as a feather when lifted by a vampire. They can crush through rock with the swing of their fist. This skill is known as the discipline, Vigor.
Enhanced Stamina
Vampires are able to move at great speeds for long periods, and it is nearly impossible to tire the vampire, due to its preternatural degree of endurance. They do not need to sleep and do not require food or oxygen. It means that drowning would never kill a vampire.​​
Vampires are immortal creatures whose bodies cease to physically age​
Empathic Link
A Sire can sense any pain or duress that their childer undertakes and they know when their childe dies​
A Sire can command their children to do anything that they want as long as they say as your sire or as your maker, I command you.
You cannot enter a residence without an invitation from the owner of the home.
Fire / Sunlight
Fire and Sunlight do excessive damage to a vampire who risks exposure for too long. Long term exposure can kill a vampire.
​Wooden Stake
A wooden stake to the heart cannot kill a vampire. The stake merely paralyzes the vampire until the stake is removed. This puts a vampire into a forced state of torpor.
if the head of the vampire is severed the vampire will perish. Breaking the neck causes discomfort.​
​Blood Intoxication
Vampires that consume too much blood will become intoxicated and lose control just as if they were drunk.
A mystic herb called vervain is poisonous to vampires. It burns their skin on contact. If a human is holding, wearing, or has vervain in their system, a vampire cannot hypnotize them. Vervain can be mixed with a vampire's drink, which, if drunk, will severely weaken them.
Dead Man’s Blood
The use of blood from the recently deceased can also be used as a method to incapacitate vampires briefly.
Vampire Description
~~ History ~~
Vampires are a race of undead humanoid creatures that came to inhabit the world from a curse handed down by Ire, the one true god of all creation. Vampire mythology as detailed in the book of the damned speaks of their origin. According to it, after Godsven killed his brother Everald, Godsven was cast out of the celestial realm by Ire. Outside of the celestial realm Godsven came across a powerful witch named Dravina who taught Godsven the basics of vampire powers.
At this time, he was cursed by Ire’s Arch Angels to be vulnerable to fire, sunlight, and the treachery of his descendants. Godsven traveled to Ebhoran to the only city of humans known as Elysia. There he embraced its ruler and became the God-King of the city where during that time he embraced children of his own as second generation vampires. These children turned their own vampires aptly named the Antediluvians who became the founders of all the vampire clans that now roam the multiverse.
Some time after this, the Antediluvians rebelled against the second generation vampires, after which the divide happened. All magic and supernatural creatures were torn asunder and separated into other realms with many vampires remaining on Ebhoran. The Antediluvians survived for more than 60 days devouring each other to survive until life started to reform itself.
Generations passed and during that time the Antediluvians built a second city, which they ruled over as gods, that is until Godsven returned to pass judgement on them. Godsven cursed each of the bloodlines, then left. The Antediluvians spread across the multiverse after the judgement of Godsven where they travelled to various places embracing other vampires and creating further descendants.
Eventually the Antediluvians returned to Avalon where they fell into torpor and have remained. Being buried deep within the planet of Avali under the city of Avalon. The vampires that were set loose on the multiverse fear, what they are calling, the retribution; where the Antediluvians will rise from their torpor and devour all the descendants, then Godsven will return to pass judgement yet again. There is a sect of vampires called the Dracul that have rebelled and refuse to believe that the retribution truly exists and is in fact a farce and that no Antediluvians exist in this day and age. There is second sect of vampires that roam the multiverse known as the fanatics. They believe their only goal in existence is to raise an Army of vampires and defeat the Antediluvians and that it is their only purpose in their un-life.
~~ Physiology ~~
Vampires that traverse the multiverse are undead creatures that were once humanoids. Those prior humanoids have gone under the embrace of a vampire sire where they are completely drained of blood and then offered the blood of the sire, thus changing the humanoid into a vampire. The ritual is called the Embrace. There are rare cases where vampires are born and considered Ancient True Bloods.
Vampires NEED blood in order to sustain their undead bodies, and without proper fortitude conditioning will eventually wither and fall into a forced torpor. Vampires can consume almost all forms of blood to sustain themselves, but celestial blood from a divine being will instantly kill a vampire.
The feeding process for a vampire and its subjects is highly pleasurable to borderline erotic and vessels that are drained regularly can become addicted to the kiss of the embrace like it's a drug.
Vampires are pale and locked into a form of stasis. The embrace grants them an unnatural beauty. It doesn’t heal things like lost limbs, or a blind eye, but it will heal all superficial scars once embraced, giving the host a perfect and flawless look to them.
~~ Relations With Other Races ~~
Vampires, depending on the bloodline will either get along with the other races, be neutral with the other races, or be bitter enemies.
The Vampires in Ebhoran are considered outcasts by most other races because of their undead nature and the need to feed on blood in order to survive. They have been shunned by most human societies and the other races of Ebhoran view them with an indifference.
~~ Procreation Rules ~~
Wait, what? A vampire can have children? The short answer is yes, they can have children, but there are a few rules that go with that. They will be followed or the child will not be accepted on the server.
Vampires can have children with a mortal or immortal race, and the child will always be born as the mothers race. There is a 20% chance that the child can be born as a Dhampir. Roll a 1d100 a second time and anything above 80 will allow the child to be half vampire. (Only with Mortal Races)
There is a 70% chance that a mother vampire will miscarry. All players that wish to go down this route will be required to roll 1d100 to see if the pregnancy takes. anything below 70 will result in a miscarry and will be required to be Role Played out.
Vampire Specific Rules
~~ Age ~~
The first thing of note on a vampire is how long their life spans are. They are an unliving creature and thus a never ending creature. They don’t age, they don’t grow old, their bodies don’t become feeble, and time seems to have stood still for the vampire.
The first vampires of the multiverse are actually unknown but are the creators of the race. They were the first vampires known to the realm of Ebhoran. They were created by the greater god Ire and transplanted on the planet of Avali and continent of Ebhoran from Rhy'din and other locations as the first vampires. ​
Vampires are immortal and live a life without an end, if given the chance, they can survive for millions of years or more. It is well known that a vampire grows much stronger as they age.
Fledgling - A newly embraced vampire and pretty much a nonentity to vampire courts. At this point you're pretty much treated like a child. They begin to learn to control their thirst and only feed when necessary, as well as not kill the victim while feeding. Fledgling remains so until the age of 100. Upon death they turn to a charred or desiccated corpse and in the sun they burst into flames and turn into ashes.
Neonates - In the eyes of the vampire society, you are now an entity. You are now free to live your own un-life but you’re now vulnerable and will probably become a pawn. It’s also possible you’ll get killed for being weak.
Ancilla - This is a step below an elder and represents a level of maturity not found in the previous groups. At this level you’re usually a middle manager, you learn it’s better to delegate for your own survival. You are also valued as an accessible and sane actor because once you survive long enough to be an elder, you usually go crazy or abandon your humanity.
Elder - This is a vampire that’s 300 years or older. You can be considered an elder if you’re powerful enough but it’s rare and you don’t mess with elders.
Methuselah - A vampire who is a thousand years or older. They’re incredibly powerful, somewhat unknowable, and incredibly rare.
Antediluvian - They’re the generation considered to be just under the god of vampires, they are the founders of the original clans. The ones that dictate the powers and abilities of each clan. You achieve this level by being a clan progenitor and will be allowed to create your own clan discipline tree. (Please follow the rules for customer trees for your clan)
Age for a vampire is truly an amazing gift, and an amazing feet. If a vampire can live to be over 2000 years old, they are practically invincible against younger vampires without the help of others.
~~ Generations ~~
Generations of the vampire are the second thing that one would recognize. There are only 2 NPC'S on the server that are of 1st generation or the gods of vampires, which are at this time, unknown to the world. The only player character on the server that will have 2nd generation or be named an Antediluvian is Armond Pendragon as the founder of the server and new world. Though this generation IS obtainable to other progenitors as time goes on.
Each generation will have a small boost up to 5th generation on the server. It’s a one time bonus of additional skill points and hp.
2nd Generation - +8 skill points at creation +10 HP
3rd Generation - +6 skill points at creation + 8 HP
4th Generation - +4 skill points at creation + 6 HP
5th Generation - +2 skill points at creation + 4 HP
~~ Siring Rules ~~
Vampires biting victims and becoming a vampire is a staple in vampire fiction, however if every bite victim turned, this combined with feeding and procreation would logically lead to vampires greatly outnumbering their human cattle. So, in all reality vampires have to do a few things in order to turn a mortal into a vampire, or to procreate.​
When it comes to siring a mortal into the race of vampires the first thing you have to receive is consent to turn the character (With Proof). Once that is achieved the vampire will then drain every ounce of blood from the mortal until just before the heartbeat stops. When the heartbeat slows to where it almost stops, the vampire will feed its blood to the mortal. This will start the process of the turn.
It then takes 3 days (Real Time) for a mortal to fully turn into a vampire from the time of consuming the vampire's blood. It’s painful, causes dread and panic, and during those 3 days your mood and personality changes as the beast takes hold for your first day as a fledgling vampire.
All vampire turnings have to be played out IC only with proof of the turning. If it’s done in private or on another server, it will not be considered canon. Please @ leadership to prove the turning of the mortal into a vampire.
Re-Siring - Absolutely not! there will be under no circumstance of a re-sire into another vampire clan or bloodline. If you come into the server as a vampire you get 1 chance to choose your clan which will give you your bloodline. After you have chosen a clan to join and it's written out in character, you are stuck as that clan and bloodline unless you kill your character off.
~~ Siring ~~
Siring on this server does have limits. The progenitors of a clan has to be a minimum of a 3rd generation vampire and each generation of vampire can sire a limited number of vampires. The limits are listed below.
1st Generation - There is no vampire on the server period that will be of first generation. This is essentially the god of vampires in Avali.
2nd Generation - 3 3rd generation Vampires
3rd Generation - 4 4th generation Vampires
4th Generation - 5 5th generation Vampires
5th Generation - and so on are allowed only 1 vampire to sire with a higher generation number with each vampire
​They can go as many generations back as you can get members in your clan for, but the further back you go, the weaker the vampire.
When you enter the server as a vampire, you will be given an option to play as a 2nd generation vampire until all slots are filled. There is a limited number of 2nd generation vampire slots at this time, and it will increase as we gain more members. The current NON CLANNED 2nd generation vampires are as follows.
~~ Clans and ​Bloodlines ~~
There are stories of clans that have become extinct due to time and the multiverse, deception and murder, and other factors. The list of vampire clans that have ceased to exist and have given way to newer and more powerful “clans” are listed below. These are not a playable option, just a history and guideline to once was.
Brujah - Very strong vampires with short tempers, they are usually idealistic and anarchic. They were the stronger physically of the bloodlines
Gangrel - Very animalistic and succumb to the inner beast easier. They could transform into other creatures.
Toreador - Vampires that are extremely social and enjoy living amongst mortals, their power focusing on seducing humans
Tremere - A clan of vampires that were sorcerers and hated by other vampires. They practiced blood magic and could thrall someone or make them explode by boiling their blood.
Malkavian - They were insane vampires that had the power over the mind and could create madness unto others.
Ventrue - The elite vampires of the vampire world. They used their power and wealth to dominate the lesser vampires and make a kingdom or empire with them.
Assamite - A clan that was usually seen as diablerists and assassins when in truth they were the guardians and scholars of vampire history.
Ravnos - Tricksters and gypsies that traveled typically within a group spreading their gifts like joy to youngsters, similar to carnies
Nosferatu - The dark side of the gift causing severe deformations and monstrous appearance. They are ones with the shadows and use their powers of obfuscate to disappear.
Followers of Everald (Set) - Vampires who believe the true vampire god is actually Godsven’s Brother Everald.
Tzimisce - An inhuman sadistic vampire that left the human condition entirely behind. Their purpose was to transcend the limitations of the vampire state. They have mutated their bodies and powers to mold themselves into their own vision of god.
Lasombra - Vampires that are Darwinists, predators, elegant and inhuman. They are firm believers in the worthy ruling and the unworthy serving. Typically using others to their own purposes
Giovanni - The usurpers of the once Cappadocian clan and the youngest of the vampire clans of old. They embrace their own family and keep everything within the family. They focus mostly on money and necromantic powers.
As time went on, the clans of old slowly died off due to time, genocide, inner war with one another, and other factors. The clans of old dying off paved the way into the new clans that exist today. The powers of the vampire was chronicled into a master memoir from a dying Antediluvian who woke from his torpor and passed his own judgement unto the clans, wiping most of them out. The purpose of the memoir was for teaching other, new vampires the powers of their ancestors and to carry on the legacy of Godsven.
~~ How They Work ~~
​The child of a vampire is always going to belong to the bloodline of his or her sire. There are absolutely no traditional, magical, or otherworldly methods that you can do to change your lineage once you're taken into a vampire families bloodline. Therefore, bloodlines are generally the product of unique supernatural evolution that happens with each bloodline that is created. ​​
There is only going to be 3 bloodlines currently allowed on the server at this time, this number shall change as time goes on and the server grows and changes.
Pendragon - Progenitor (Armond Pendragon)
Open -
Open -
~~ General Discipline Trees ~~
Every vampire on the server will have access to the five general discipline trees. When you start out on the server you will choose and spend your skill points however you want to spend them into these 5 discipline trees.
~~ Bloodline Discipline Trees ~~
Every bloodline will have a unique discipline tree that is fully custom made by the progenitor of the clan. This discipline tree will only be available to you if you are a part of that bloodline. The progenitor will design 15 unique disciplines that are specifically designed for the bloodline. The disciplines have to approved by server leads and the owner only. When you create a bloodline, please submit the disciplines to leadership and owner for approval.
All disciplines in the bloodline discipline tree will cost 3 skill points to purchase for your character to use.​​
~~ ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Unique Disciplines Available ~~
Every Clan on the server will also get to choose three discipline trees from the list below. It's up to the player on how to spend their skill points on opening up new disciplines within the clans discipline trees, but the clan progenitor chooses the unique discipline trees when the clan is initially established. A clanless vampire will not have access to any of the trees on this list until they've joined a clan, or established their own. When the disciplines are all used, there cannot be any further clans established until a clan goes extinct.​​
Blut Alchemie
~~ Already Chosen Clan Disciplines ~~
Pendragon Bloodline
• Protean
• Majesty
• Obtenebration
~~ Clanless Vampires ~~
If you choose to play as a clanless vampire on the server, you will not get to choose anything from the bloodline or clan discipline trees. They are privileged only to members of a clan. We encourage you to either join a clan or establish a clan of your own if there are openings on the server to create one.
Creating a Vampire Character
~ Choosing the Vampire ~
So you have chosen to play a vampire, fantastic. Once you have been given the role of vampire on the server, the next step is to reach out to your server leads or if there is currently the race lead for vampires to procure your character sheet. Once you have been given your auto calculating character sheet there is a couple things you will need to look at.
~ Racial Abilities ~
A vampire being a supernatural being will have a few bonuses that you can apply to your character sheet. those bonuses will include bonus stats and racial abilities that are race specific.
Bonus Stats
Choose any stat to get a +1
Choose any stat to get a +2
Natural Weapon
Vampire Claws - You as a vampire have longer and sharper nails than other humanoid creatures and they are classified as a natural weapon. You can use them as a weapon against your enemy. You will roll your dice pool and if you get success you can attack with your claws dealing 1d4 + Strength + BAV - Opponents Defense Score doing a melee attack with your claws. You can strike as many times as you have successes.
Racial Abilities
Bloodthirst - You can drain blood and life energy from a willing creature, or one that is incapacitated, restrained, or grappled. You will make a standard dice pool check to see if you succeed in the grapple. If you have a success and have accomplished the grapple you will roll a 1d6 + Strength + BAV - Opponents Defense and cause that much damage in the form of draining blood. You will then heal that number of HP that you drain from your enemy.
Superior Darkvision - Thanks to your vampire heritage you have superior vision in the dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light perfectly up to around 120 ft and in total natural darkness up to 60 ft.
Spider Climb - You can climb walls and scale buildings and such as if you were a spider.
Predator Vision - You can see warm bodies easily with your infrared vision when you're hunting for prey. It's like the heart and arteries of your prey comes visible so it's easier to find a good spot to bite your victim.
~ Finishing Your Character ~
When you finish creating your character, please submit your character sheet to either a lead, storyteller, or race lead in order for it to be finalized, and for you to start spending experience points that you earn through stipend, play, and everything else.