Game System
General Information
~ Every character on the server will start on an equal playing field and you will have to earn your upgrades through play on the server. There are options for races that you can choose from and how you play them will determine your advantages and disadvantages.​
~ Every character on the server will have a character sheet that will be used to track everything your character is capable of doing, their vitals, abilities, and anything else that you want to keep track of.​
~ All characters on the server will start with 10 ability points to increase their direct stats, 5 skill points that they can spend on their abilities, a 2 in defense, 1 in fortitude, reflex, and willpower; spell craft will also get a starting of 1.
~ All characters will receive +2 HP, +2 Power Points, +1 Skill point, and +3 Ability points on a level up. Levels are the main way to advance your character on the server.
~ All characters will get +10 HP, +10 Power points, +5 Skill points, and +10 Ability points on a Tier up. Tier ups are a major accomplishment for your character so you will awarded with the higher amounts on the tier up. The maximum tier on the server is 9 with 0 counting as your first tier. ​
~ All skills listed on the server will cost 1 skill point unless it's stated otherwise on the skill itself when purchasing it.
~ Characters have the option to create a custom skill tree consisting of 5 skills that are unique to the character themselves. These skills will cost 5 skill points to unlock and open once the skill tree has been approved by leadership.
~ Characters that create a group on the server whether it's a group, clan, pack, or others, the group will get to create a unique list of skills that are only used for the association that you have. There will be 15 total custom abilities that you can create which will cost 3 skill points each.
​Starting stats at character Creation Level 1​
HP - 20
Power Points (Mana, Stamina, Blood Pool, Rage, etc.) - 20
Ability Points - 10
Skill Points - 5​​
Strength - 1
Dexterity - 1
Constitution - 1
Intelligence - 1
Wisdom - 1
Charisma - 1
Base Attack - 3
Defense - 2 + (Skills, Armor, Race Bonus)
Fortitude - 1 + (Constitution, Skills, Race Bonus)
Reflex - 1 + (Dexterity, Skills, Race Bonus)
Willpower - 1 + (Wisdom, Skills, Race Bonus)
Spell-craft - 1 + (Intelligence, Skills, Race Bonus)
This is probably one of the most important stats that you have for your character. This is your character's life, they’re ability to see how much damage they can withstand before either passing out or dying.
Health - Your health, like if you’re at level 1 will be the starting of 20. Your health increases with level ups and tiers as you earn them on the server
Natural Regeneration - Everyone has natural regeneration with 2 HP regeneration every 2 hours for mortal’s and 4 HP regeneration for supernatural creatures as long as you’re not in combat or in a dying state.
Knocked out - You are considered unconscious at 0 HP and your defense is null and void while you’re unconscious from a dying state.
Dying - While in the dying state you lose 1 HP per round and once you reach a -10 HP on your character you are dead. The only way to stop your HP slowly draining per round is by being healed.
Death - Upon reaching -10 you are classified as dead and only being resurrected will bring you back.
How XP and Leveling works
​The amount of EXP needed to level up is based on a 15000 EXP per level. When you hit 15000 EXP, you will level up and your EXP will start back at 0. On the sheet, there will be a total earned which will help keep track of your level and total EXP earned on the server..
When you level up your character will receive the benefits below as the reward for leveling up.
2 HP
2 Power Points
1 Skill Point
3 Ability Points
When you reach level 10 on the server, you will also Tier up. A tier is like a milestone for your character getting stronger and surviving on the server. There is a maximum of 10 tiers on the server and everyone starts at tier 0. When you reach level 10 you will tier up, then level 20 you will tier up again, so on and so forth until you reach tier 9.
​Tiers & Base Attack
Every Tier that you advance on the server will award you an additional side to your dice. Everyone starts with a total of 2D dice pool. You will get an increase of 1 dice side per tier to a total of 10 tiers with 0 being the first tier. The bonuses are listed in the table below.
Tier 0 - Dice Sides - 2d - Base Attack - 3
Tier 1 - Dice Sides - 3d - Base Attack - 6
Tier 2 - Dice Sides - 4d - Base Attack - 9
Tier 3 - Dice Sides - 5d - Base Attack - 12
Tier 4 - Dice Sides - 6d - Base Attack -15
Tier 5 - Dice Sides - 7d - Base Attack - 17
Tier 6 - Dice Sides - 8d - Base Attack - 21
Tier 7 - Dice Sides - 9d - Base Attack - 24
Tier 8 - Dice Sides - 10d - Base Attack - 27
Tier 9 - Dice Sides - 11d - Base Attack - 30
Every tier will award you with additional advantages, so it pays to play. At tier 0 you don’t get anything which is the character creation Tier, but when you tier up, you will be rewarded with the following
10 HP
10 Power Points
5 Skill Points
10 Ability Points
Stats, Base Attack, Fortitude, Reflex, Willpower, Spellcraft
​Every character on the server will start with a 1 in each stat listed below. You can increase the general 6 stats by spending ability points which is earned at a rate of 1 point per level and 10 pier tier. Every stat payment will increase and compound as you increase that stat. So for example if you have a 3 in strength it will cost you 3 ability points to increase that stat. Stats can be maxed out at 20 through ability points.
Strength - How physically strong your character is. You will add your score to all Melee attacks and other strength strength checks, like lifting a heavy object.
Dexterity - How agile and quick you are. You will add this score to all ranged attacks, any movements that aren’t standard, and your reflex score.
Constitution - How hardy and healthy you are. This stat is added to your HP maximum and Fortitude checks.
Intelligence - How book smart your character is. You will add this to all spell-craft, investigation, nature, religion, etc.
Wisdom - How practically knowledgeable your character is. You will add this stat to wisdom checks when handling animals, medicine etc. Add this stat to all perception rolls and willpower
Charisma - How forceful your persuasive personality is. You will add this stat to all negotiation, deception, persuasion, intimidation, and performance type checks.
Spellcraft, Reflex, Fortitude, Willpower, Defense
Every character will start with a +1 in Fortitude, Reflex, Willpower, and spell-craft which can be increased with abilities and skills, and through stats being increased. You can also increase them with flat increases through ability points. Each one will cost 1 ability point to increase.
Spell-craft - This is your main stat for casting all spells and you will add this bonus stat to all spell attacks.
Reflex - Your ability to dodge physical and magical attacks, you can roll this stat on almost every strike that comes your way, and if you are successful against the opponent, you won’t get hit.
Fortitude - Your ability to deal with death, poison, hunger, and any other factor that would play into the hardiness of your character. You will add this to all fortitude checks
Willpower - Your ability to combat mind altering effects and other factors that attack your mind. You will add this to all willpower checks.
Defense - Every character has a defense stat to absorb damage. Defense will negate some of the damage that happens when you are attacked.​
Spell Casting, Skills, Power Points (PP)​
Mana | Blood Pool | Rage | Stamina - The source of all abilities in the world. You have a pool that has a general name of Power Points that starts at 20 points and every spell, skill, discipline, gift, etc. costs a certain number of Power Points to use. You replenish with items, rest, and abilities, it’s increased with its own earning rates. When you run out of power points in your pool, you can no longer use your skills or abilities.
Power Points can be increased directly by spending 1 ability point you can get an additional 10 Power Points.
Spellcasting and other powers on the server is simple and to the point. All abilities on the server will use your power points. Every character will start with a pool of 10, and there will be certain skills that will increase your Power Point pool, leveling up will increase the Power Point pool, and spending ability points will increase the Power Point pool.​
Upon a level up you will gain 2 Power Points, upon a tier up you will gain 10 Power Points, and every ability point spent will grant you 10 power points. The power pool will does not have a maximum, you can spend into it until max level. Every ability will cost Power Points. All skills, abilities and spells will cost power points dependent on the powers level. So a level 1 ability will cost you 1 power point, a level 2 ability will cost you 4 power points, etc. all the way to level 10.
Spells are the only abilities that will go above level 6 and at this time only humans have spell casters that will have access to a master spell list. Other races will have their own set ability trees that they will use. Here is a breakdown of what it will cost power point wise to use your abilities.
Level 1 Ability Cost - 1 power point
Level 2 Ability Cost - 4 power points
Level 3 Ability Cost - 6 power points
Level 4 Ability Cost - 8 power points
Level 5 Ability Cost - 10 power points
Level 6 Ability Cost - 12 power points
Level 7 Ability Cost - 14 power points
Level 8 Ability Cost - 16 power points
Level 9 Ability Cost - 18 power points
Level 10 Ability Cost - 20 power points
This question was eventually going to come up at some point, so bottom line, YES, you can resurrect your character; but there are limits to this.
Only 2 resurrections per character period - You cannot under any circumstance be brought back a 3rd time UNLESS you can defeat the undertaker in 1x1 combat who is maxed level x2 LOL, not kidding, only 2 deaths total per character. When you die a third time, the character will go to a graveyard section that we will create on the server.
Death Duration - Regardless of your race there is a 72 hour resurrection time and you have to have someone, even if it’s an NPC to assist in the resurrection. I would prefer that resurrections be played out IC.
Custom Character Skill Tree
Every character on the server can create a custom skill tree with 5 unique skills that are fully customizable by YOU. You will get to create 5 unique skills that only you will have access to as the character. No one else on the server can have your skill tree. Once you have created your skill tree you will have to submit that skill tree for approval by Leadership and Owner only. Please reach out if you have questions on how to go about creating the skill tree.
Character specific skills will cost a total of 5 skill points per skill with a maximum of 5 unique skills per player. ​